
  • Signing up
  • Paying / canceling
  • Reminders


  • Hiring / training
  • Profile / information
  • Entries / Schedule
  • Reminders
  • Payroll
  • Song database


  • Taxes
  • Automation
  • Income breakdowns
  • Budget


  • Running Payroll
  • Drive Fees
  • Free Trials
  • Subscriptions
  • Automatic Features
  • Reminders


  • Signing up
    • Login
    • Register (makes user)
      • Accept policy
      • Add card (or update)
      • Click pay and subscribe
    • Cancel
    • View lessons
  • Paying / canceling
    • Simple click to pay after adding a card
    • Click to cancel if you have a sub
    • Click to pay "one time fee" if admin sets one for you

    Signup walk through video

  • Reminders
    • Student lesson reminders
    • Bounced email checker
    • Email to students to verify their lessons
    • If teachers forget to add entries it texts & emails them which ones
    • Checks that studio doesn't have too many lessons scheduled
    • Teachers about first lesson
    • Teachers to enter FT lesson
    • Reminds students to login and pay an amount if you set it for a date.
    • Reminds new students to login and click pay and subscribe after their first lessons.
      • Email 5, 3, 1 days before, day of, days after: 1, 3, 5, 7
      • Texts: day before, day of and day after
      • Texts teacher not to continue if they don't pay (emails admin)
    • Reminds returning students to login and pay before their start date
    • Students their subscription will renew
    • Reminds teachers to uncheck future lessons


  • Hiring / training
    • Hiring
      • Apply online
      • Progress of hiring process
      • Sort / search
    • Training
      • Teacher using app
      • Teacher day to day
      • Instrument training
        • Quizzes and videos
      • Hiring manager training
  • Profile / information
    • Website shows availability & teacher info
    • Teacher's info, salary, schedule, availability, unavailability, W4 / taxes, bio & picture
  • Entries / Schedule
    • Availability, unavailability, calendar, missed lessons, free trials, makeups, future lessons
  • Reminders
    • New student
    • Free trial enter
    • Lesson needing to be entered
    • Unchecked future lessons
  • Payroll
    • View paycheck breakdowns by students, taxes, paystubs, transfers aka their payments, year to date
  • Song database


  • Other Page
    • Login lists
    • Mass messages
    • Searches
    • Lesson reminders
    • Plans
    • Payroll
    • Check students needing info
    • Check locks
      • At the end of the month shows unlocked lessons
    • Check accounts not zero'd
    • Check payroll saved verse generated
    • Check stripe users have same plan
    • Applications
  • Calendar
    • Views
    • Edit my availability
    • See my availability
    • All studio lessons
    • Check studio
    • Add lessons
    • Colors in calendar
      • Orange if needs entries
      • Blue if scheduled, light green / dark green, etc.
  • Video Lessons
    • Music theory / guitar scales
    • Commissions
    • Teacher education
  • Training
    • Teacher using app
    • Teacher day to day
    • Instrument training
      • Quizzes and videos
    • Hiring manager training
  • Song database
    • View / search / print songs
    • Add songs
  • Admin
    • Teachers
      • Paystubs / payroll records
      • Info / W4
    • Consolidations
      • Annual, monthly, balance, payments, plans
    • Teacher consolidations
      • Teacher statistics (drop / got)
      • Cancel statistics
      • See pay by month, teacher, year, etc.
    • Taxes
      • Month, Quarter, Year, Annual income, annual filing
        • By teacher, by month,
        • Fed 941, Fed unemployment, state unemployment, withholding fed & state,
  • Applications / hiring
    • Apply online
    • Progress of hiring process
    • Sort / search
  • Transfers
    • Take profits
    • Add money to your stripe balance
    • Transactions
  • Famss fee page
    • Stripe balance totals
      • Available now
    • Automatic payouts
    • Payments & totals by month
      • Total
      • Cash check stripe
      • Refunds
      • Famss fees
      • Inventory portions
    • Payments & fees all
  • Payroll
    • Teacher pay after taxes
    • Save payroll
    • Pay teacher
    • Notes
    • Displays warnings
  • Balance page
    • Shows consolidation of everything.
      • How much you may spend - How much is in your accounts verse how much you owe
      • Annual income tax, quarterly taxes, and unused lesson money.
  • Budget
    • Add bills
      • Personal, business, loans, pay as needed, quarterly and more
    • Add accounts
      • Keep track of your money
    • Consolidations (what you can spend, have and need)
    • Cashflow
      • Complete breakdown of all expenses, personal, business, automatic, income, etc.
  • Add all entries
    • Displays all lessons that need to be entered by teacher
    • 1 or all
    • Calendar
    • Admin's can select teachers to see or add
  • Zero out
    • Not everything should be automatic
    • Un allocated funds should be manually allocated
  • Scores
    • Teacher statistics refresh
  • Directory
    • Student breakdown
      • All, teacher, admins, new, in-home, studio, no teacher
    • Admins, Teachers, No Teacher Students, Applicants, Teachers by student
      • Info displayed: student count, statistics, sub info, warnings, student type
      • Show progress (teacher / student)
    • Add students - teachers - admins -
  • Teacher Directory
    • Shows teacher's students
  • Teacher's page
    • Consolidate all teachers students
    • Edit info
    • Add bio & pics for website
  • Student page
    • Lessons
      • Type: regular, missed, makeup, future, etc.
      • Notes
      • Payment breakdowns
    • Edit
      • Info
      • Plan payments
      • Pay breakdowns
      • Credits, holds, balance owed.
    • Payment breakdowns
      • Used, unused, this user and all per stripe
    • Charge, subscribe
    • Payments
      • Refund
      • Notes
      • Add cash or check
    • Cancel
      • Cancel student with or without sending notification, now or at end of sub.
    • Confirmation email for new students
    • Copy user to new teacher button


  • Running Payroll
    • Zero out accounts
    • Lock teachers entries
    • Save payroll
    • Pay teachers
    • Budget
    • Taxes
  • Drive Fees
    • Cash reimbursement
    • Double lessons admin keeps the extra DF
  • Free Trials
    • Customizable, trackable
  • How subscriptions work
    • Weekly, 2-week, 4-week.
    • Makeups, cancelations, credits, refunds, hold.
    • No refunds, unused balances
  • Automatic Features
    • Student lesson reminders
    • Auto pay school owners
    • Bounced email checker
    • Email to students to verify their lessons
    • If teachers forget to add entries it texts & emails them which ones
    • Check that user info is correct
      • No accidental white spaces, duplicate usernames, incorrectly entered info
      • Make sure employees have all needed info
      • Check that all users who use same stripe account have same plan
      • Checks that the students payment breakdowns are the same as the teachers
      • EOW error report
        • Make sure no locked lessons are out of place
      • Checks that studio doesn't have too many lessons scheduled
    • Reminders
      • Teachers about first lesson
      • Teachers to enter FT lesson
      • Reminds students to login and pay an amount if you set it for a date.
      • Reminds new students to login and click pay and subscribe after their first lessons.
        • Email 5, 3, 1 days before, day of, days after: 1, 3, 5, 7
        • Texts: day before, day of and day after
        • Texts teacher not to continue if they don't pay (emails admin)
      • Reminds returning students to login and pay before the date you choose
      • Students their subscription will renew
      • Reminds teachers to uncheck future lessons